Monday, August 26, 2013

Have you been saved?

Hey hey Family!!!

It is that time again, to email and catch you up on how the work is going.

This last week has been going pretty well. Lots going on lots to do, thats a very good thing because it helps time go by much quicker, but that also sucks at the same time. Lets see what has been going on this week...

Teaching has been going very well. He loves us and we have become close friends. We are all working together to make sure he is all set up out here in the states. He is going to do a musical at Dana Hills, taking 3 or 4 AP classes, and he is going to go out for basketball. It is cool to see how excited he is to do things at an American High School. It made me see how much I took for granted the little things, like all the clubs or different classes you could take. He had none of that back home and he is just so excited to go all in. At church on Sunday in RS the RSP Sister Tomlinson got up and said that as a RS they need to take him in under their wing. His mom is leaving and he needs a mom someone to take care of him and watch out for him. Another Sister, Sister Harline, said that he told her she reminds him of his Grandmother and asked her to be his American Grandma, and then asked if he could be her grandson. So Awesome!! The ward is really going in with him, he has come to church three weeks in a row, wants to join the choir and comes to sunday school and priesthood. Should be exciting:) I will continue to give you updates on how he is doing as the weeks go.

We are also teaching another person and it is set for baptism 2nd or 3rd week of October depending on when his grandfather can get a flight from provo to orange county. So that is fun to be a part of. We are going to be teaching him 2 days a week and hopefully his twin brother decides to follow his brother example, all in all it is a very exciting time right now in the Dana Point Ward. The Ward members are getting on board with sharing the Gospel and those we are teaching are progressing towards learning more about the Gospel. Very Very exciting.

For the rest of the updates...hmm..lets see
Week 6 of the Transfer has started (Last week, So crazy) Saturday we will find out if any of the 3 of us leave. Which could possibly happen.
Had a very interesting study on the word Salvation this morning. I loved the True to the Faith section on it and will be diving into that this week. It was so awesome. Basically helps you answer the questions "Have you been saved?" If you have time give it a read, it is amazing.

The mission is going great, yes there are trials every single day, you cannot get through a day without having them, it is the little 30-60 minutes of meeting with the people that truly love learning that make the rest of the tough times worth it. Keep strong in the faith and know that the Lord is with you in all things. You are all the best, keep up the awesome work and amazing things will happen. YOU ARE THE BEST!!! MISS AND LOVE YOU!!!:)

Sorry I do not write a lot. terrible memory without my journal and do not want to bring that to the library.

"Fourth Floor Last Door"
Elder Amric Zane Sobczak
California, Carlsbad, USA
January 2013-June 2013
California, Irvine, USA
July 2013-December 2014

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